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In 2001, the Longmont Council for the Arts (LCA),
Steve Eisler and Bob Woolsey wanted to offer a unique film viewing
experience for Longmont's citizens. Their goal was to screen movies,
old and new, in a family-friendly atmosphere with guest speakers
knowledgeable in the field.
When Bob Woolsey left the program, LCA member
Steve Eisler continued on, with a small group of dedicated cineasts,
to produce Longmont's First Fall Film Festival. The group chose
It's a Wonderful Life for the feature film with selected experimental
short films by CU-Boulder film student Mary Beth Reed, and award
winning animated shorts. Guest Speaker Richard Klein, former owner
of Longmont's first movie theater, enthralled the audience with
a history of cinema in Longmont.
In 2002, the Committee added two new members
and lent their support to "Community Arts Live", a non-profit
organization starting a summer outdoor film series. For their Fall
Film Festival the Committee chose the theme "Film Noir" and
expanded their program to three movies. Guest Speakers Howie Movshovitz,
film critic for Colorado Public Radio, presented D.O.A. and Jim
Palmer, Chair of the CU-Boulder Film Studies Program, presented
In A Lonely Place. On the third night, the Committee showed He
Walked By Night. All three showings included a "Three Stooges" short.
The Festival Committee grew to ten members in
2003 and accepted responsibility for producing the summer outdoor
cinema. Six family-oriented films will be aired including Monster's,
Inc. and Spy Kids. Their fall festival will expand to include six
films shown over three days around the theme "Film Influences".
By popular demand, Howie Movshovitz will return as guest speaker
to talk about how films and film makers are influenced by past
masters of the art.
Longmont's citizens have responded to each Festival
in growing numbers. Their enthusiasm for cinema, its history and
lore, has encouraged the Committee to enlarge and improve its festivals.
Due to the continued support of the LCA and many valuable business
sponsors, the Longmont Film Festival, and its Committee of volunteers,
has enjoyed the privilege of screening memorable films for all
to enjoy.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Longmont Film Festival is
to provide high quality movie experiences with a strong educational
component to Longmont citizens and the surrounding communities
in a fun and relaxed environment.
To fulfill its mission, the Longmont Film
Festival shall:
> Illuminate patrons on the history and
lore of cinema
> Exhibit wholesome family entertainment, especially during the summer outdoor
> Seek informative guest speakers for the fall film festival
> Celebrate the diversity of films
> Maintain affordable admission fees so all people and families may explore
the world of film.
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