Mission Statement: The Mission of the Longmont Film Festival is to provide high quality
movie experiences with a strong educational component to Longmont citizens
the surrounding communities in a fun and relaxed environment.
To fulfill its mission, the Longmont Film Festival shall:
- Illuminate patrons on the history and lore of cinema
- Exhibit wholesome family entertainment, especially during the summer
outdoor cinema
- Seek informative guest speakers for the fall film festival
- Celebrate the diversity of films
- Maintain affordable admission fees so all people and families may
explore the world of film.
Longmont's citizens have responded to each Festival in growing numbers.
Their enthusiasm for cinema, its history and lore, has encouraged the Committee
to enlarge and improve its festivals. Due to the continued support of the
LCA and many valuable business sponsors, the Longmont Film Festival, and
its Committee of volunteers, has enjoyed the privilege of screening memorable
films for all to enjoy.
Contact us via email,
phone (303.678.7869) or post for additional information:
Longmont Film Festival, c/o LCA,
P.O. Box 208,
Longmont CO 80502-0208